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We are currently offering FREE consultations!
Contact us today with questions or to set up an appointment.


You will be guided through each session and taught proper movements, while learning how to develop better nutritional and lifestyle habits. Each session is specific to each client's needs, including proper warm up, mobility, strength training, and conditioning sessions. Individualized training at Catalyst will yield the best results because you have 100% attention throughout the entire session.


There are very few FST certifed therapist in the United States, but Catalyst Training Center houses our very own expert and practitioner.  Having graduated from Stretch to Win Institiute, Cory Schutter has a wide depth of knowledge in this revolutionary recovery and treatment service.  This unique therapy is being sought out from all level of athletes including the NFL and Major League baseball and now is available to wider audience through Catalyst Training Center.  Benefits inlcude, reduced pain, restoring functionality and increased wellness for our clients.  





Our online programming is perfect for the occasional drop in or out-of-towner.

All programming is original and based off individual needs and targeting weaknesses. Working in 10 or 20 week cycles, we can prepare you for athletic competitions. This package gives you access to a coach for video review, questions, comments, and revisions throughout the cycle. If you would like programming from Catalyst Training Center, you can order it in our online store.



Functional Range Conditioning, or FRC®, is a trademarked system of mobility and joint control training, which, unlike many current systems, is based in scientific principals and research.

Mobility, defined as the extent of controllable flexibility across articulations (flexibility plus strength), refers to the amount of USABLE motion that one possesses.

© 2017 Catalyst Training Center


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