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2017 Women's Pro Am Weekend

What an amazing weekend at the Women's Pro Am. 

Excellent competition and 2 full days for women's powerlifting.

Rachel and Amber competed at this meet and did amazing. In case you didn't know; both Rachel and Amber are super competitive with each other and in just about everything. This meet was both of their second full power equipped meet and both hungry for big PR's. 

Amber won the friendly competition and the race 500 lb squat between the two.  Incredible to see these two train weekly at Catalyst. Amber didn't stop there, she nailed a 40lb bench PR and sealed the day with a 125 meet PR! Unreal!  She came to dominate her day and did it. 

Check out her squat video! Amber Jackson 500lb squat

Now off to Zips. 

Cory brought the massage table to Cincy and it was absolutely needed. Zips was a twisted up mess after traveling for her day job. He worked in her on Friday night and got her moving before morning. For more information on FST, check out Fascial Stretch Therapy .

Rachel (aka Zips) also had an incredible day.  She came out and nailed her opener and took 475 as a second and got it. 24 lb PR.  Off to the bench where she too nailed a 40lb bench PR. These numbers are unheard of in this sport - it was incredible. It was off to deads where Rachel needed a big pull. It just wasn't there though, she got her opener-Amber for the win.. Zips finished the day with a 28lb total PR. 

Here's  Zips meet video Zips Meet Video

We are so incredibly proud of our Catalyst lifters and family.  Our power team trains after hours at  4pm Fridays and 1:30 on Sundays. Anyone who is interested in powerlifting should come check us out. We love adding to the team. 

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